Reported by Lindsay Brown
was not great with a lot of fog which made for cautious driving and not
much of a view from the ridges. We started from Blackrock
at 10:15 and reached the summit of Furnace Mountain around noon. After
lunch we made the return trip back to the parking area about 2:15. In
spite of the fog we had a great turn out with 16 hikers, many of them
new to our group. This was a moderate hike of 7 miles with 1500 feet of
elevation gain. Hikers included regulars of Anne Colgate, Joanne Davis, C J Woodburn, David Crowe, Leon Gorman, Claire Cline, and Michael Seth. Newer hikers were Adam
Scott, Julie Mcganney, Patrick Cory, Pat Todd, Patricia Choloski, Kim Butcher, Annelise Lynch, and Brenda Browning.