
Mint Springs Park Hike - October 14, 2017

With a forecast of drizzle and fog, it was a nice surprise to have seven hikers on the Mint Springs Park hike in western Albemarle County including David Crowe, Nancy Handly, Emerald Young (taking the photo), John Brandt, Jeanne Siler, Brad Young and hike leader, Marit Anderson.  We started out in fog, but actually the morning ended up being cool and overcast...perfect for hiking.  We circumnavigated the trails with the Fire Trail, Big Survey Trail, Little Yellow Mountain Trail, Hollow Trail, and the various lake trails.  A nice variety of ascents, descents, and flat trail clocking in at 4.88 miles and 779 ft of elevation gain.  We hiked for a little over two hours and then enjoyed our lunches by the upper lake at a covered picnic area discussing everything from health care, housing market, and catching up on each other's lives.  As we ended, the sun came out in full blast with humidity and temperatures rising.  We were all glad to have our exercise completed for the day as we went on our way!
In the distance is King Family Vineyards

This choking vine really made this tree "twisted"
Upper lake...a calm place to be

Now the fishing begins

We are ready for lunch

submitted by Marit Anderson