reported by John Shannon
On a damp morning when other chapter members were wading streams, I went to McCormick Gap to do some overdue maintenance on drainage of the steep uphill section of the chapter’s AT section. In some spots, changing the slope of the trail caused water to run off the trail and take debris with it. However, other structures to divert water were full of soil.
On a damp morning when other chapter members were wading streams, I went to McCormick Gap to do some overdue maintenance on drainage of the steep uphill section of the chapter’s AT section. In some spots, changing the slope of the trail caused water to run off the trail and take debris with it. However, other structures to divert water were full of soil.
recent rain made it easier to see where drainage was not working well, and I
cleared out all the clogged drains. The wet soil made tamping down of earth
difficult because it stuck to the McLeod
expected, I saw major growth of oriental lady’s thumb (a little removed).
During the day, four backpackers went through on their way to Georgia to
complete a north-to-south AT through hike.