Eleven volunteers came out on chilly Sunday, November 17 to do trail work at PATC Mutton Hollow District in Greene County. Bill Holman (Mutton Hollow District Manager), Iva Gillet, and Marit Anderson helped to coordinate the day and the mighty participants included Dave Borszich, Jeanne Siler, John Shannon, Marian Styles, Brian Muszynski, John Brandt, Mark Walkup, and Mark Perschel. The plan for the day was to hike/inspect as many of the 10 miles of trails as possible, while taking care of blowdowns and debris along the way. It ended up being a very busy day because of all the blowdowns, most likely due to the big storm on the recent Halloween night. The groups were broken down into 4 teams. Bill Holman and Mark Walkup with chainsaw duties on the northern trails. Mark Perschel and John Shannon also using chainsaws on the southern trails. Iva was the lead for Jeanne, Dave, and Marian inspecting and clearing Boxwood, Wineberry, Conley and Conley Morris Trails. Marit worked with Brian and John Brandt to hike and clear Boundary East and Boundary West, Mutton Top, Cliff and Conley Morris Trails. The teams worked from 10 am -2:30 pm straight to get as much work done as possible. Then lunch and some refreshments provided by the leaders were enjoyed by all at Butternut Cabin (overseer cabin). All were tired, cold, with wet feet, but happy with the work completed at 3:30 pm when carpools set for Charlottesville and beyond. There is still much to be done, so another work day may be in the planning in the new year. In the meantime, a heartfelt thank you to all of the volunteers for the day!

Submitted by Marit Anderson with photos by Iva Gillet, Jeanne Siler, and Marit Anderson
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