
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge Hike and Event Day in Shenandoah National Park - Saturday, September 16, 2023

Charlottesville PATC partnered with Shenandoah National Park, SNP Trust, and Public Lands Store to offer the Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge a SNP day of educational activities with a park Ranger, hike to Black Rock Summit, lunch, gas money, and free park access on Saturday, September 16. In the morning Ranger Erica Kennedy talked about the history of the park with a map exercise and led some fun games including Waterball Shenanigans. We ate lunch and chocolate chip cookies, then took a caravan of cars to the trailhead of Black Rock Summit for our hike to the top.  Ranger Erica had us do a habitat search on the way.   A number of the group climbed up the rock scramble to the top and also had a food break. The day ended with a Junior Ranger ceremony and badge pinning & swag for all. Everyone had a blast!  Thanks to Adam, Damoni, Jon, Caelan, Molly (BBBS Director of Programs), Mark and Marit (PATC leaders), and Ranger Erica for participating. We plan to offer a spring event on the Blue Ridge Parkway with another event in Shenandoah National Park next September. Our goal is to give more opportunities for those that may not have access to the national park and local national forest service lands. We hope the events will continue to grow and more Bigs and Littles will join us. Many thanks to our partner- Shenandoah National Park and sponsors - Shenandoah National Park Trust and Public Lands Stoređź’™

submitted by Marit Anderson