
Cold Mountain Hike - May 11, 2019

Submitted by Jodi Fredericksen and Dave Abdullah

Under an overcast sky, 17 hikers, prepared for a rainy day, and struck out from Cowcamp Gap for a 6-mile hike.  Veteran hikers from C-Ville PATC helpfully regaled first time hike leaders Dave and Jodi with stories of [hike leader name redacted, hint: first name starts with an "I"] leading hikers down the wrong trail on a nearby loop.  Thankfully for first time hikers, Victor and Cate, Dave and Jodi knew the trail well. Our new hikers were joined by: Iva, Bill, Marian, Debra, Steve, Cosmo, Donna, Rich, John, Marie, Brian, Karen, and John.

The large patch of Lady Slippers were the highlight of the many wild flowers along the way.  Just as the group arrived at the Cowcamp AT shelter for lunch, the rain began. Everyone huddled in the shelter for lunch, laughs, and muffins.  The rain continued with a prefect reprieve as the group took a break on the beautiful bald top of Cold Mountain, where Debra entertained everyone by singing “The Hills are Alive,” while happy hikers twirled through the meadow. Views of the cloud-capped mountains were the highlight of the trip—second only to the friendly company of happy hikers.  The rain commenced as the hike ended, and everyone was happy to have appropriate rain gear!

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